
Re: Admin CLI Test Plan & Spefication for Glassfish V3 TP2

From: Deepa Singh <deepa.singh_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 13:36:10 -0700

Couple of quick comments.
First, plan is quite exhaustive and lists all scenarios in great detail.
Definitely gives comfort to some one using GlassFish.
There are no scenarios mentioned for negative testing. Will those be covered
by some other group?
RE: https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=4247

I believe there is automatic plugin for code coverage in Hudson, so numbers
can/should be automatically generated , instead of twice per cycle. Quality
community may invest some time in automating that , or open a separate
For functional testing perspective, 65% seems bit on lower side, usual
acceptance criteria in industry is 80% . On separate note, there is mismatch
between goal and deliverable code coverage number ( 65% vs 60%). Probably a
typo :-)

Also, it would be interesting to see detailed testing of Virtual Server with
all attributes, rather than just creation and deletion of virtual servers.
Maybe all these scenarios are already covered, but just wanted to highlight
that Virtual Server is important feature asked by community.
RE: http://blogs.sun.com/jluehe/entry/new_support_for_virtual_directory.

  <virtual-server id="server" [...]>
> <property name=*"alternatedocroot_1*" value=*"from=/images/* dir=/usr/gifs"*/>
> <property name=*"alternatedocroot_2"* value=*"from=*.jpg dir=/usr/gifs"*/>
> <property name=*"alternatedocroot_3"* value=*"from=*.jsp dir=/usr/jsps"*/>
> <property name="docroot" value="${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/docroot"/>
> </virtual-server>
> A future version of GlassFish will add proper configuration support for
> alternate docroots by defining a <virtual-directory-mapping> element under
> <virtual-server> in domain.xml, with <local-path> and <url-pattern>subelements. The above configuration, while still supported, could then be
> represented more cleanly, as follows:
> <virtual-server id="server" [...]>
> <virtual-directory-mapping>
> <local-path>/usr/gifs</local-path>
> <url-pattern>/images/*</url-pattern>
> <url-pattern>*.jpg</url-pattern>
> </virtual-directory-mapping>
> <virtual-directory-mapping>
> <local-path>/usr/jsps</local-path>
> <url-pattern>*.jsp</url-pattern>
> </virtual-directory-mapping>
> <property name="docroot" value="${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/docroot"/>
> </virtual-server>
> If a request matches multiple alternate docroot URL patterns, the
> following precedence order is used:
> 1. Exact match
> 2. Longest path match
> 3. Extension match
> Any request that cannot be mapped to any of the web modules deployed on
> the virtual server, and whose URI does not match any of the virtual server's
> alternate docroot URL patterns, will continue to be served from the
> directory indicated by the virtual server's docroot property.
> You may use the GlassFish admingui or command-line interface (asadmin) to
> add alternatedocroot_ properties to a virtual server. Please note that
> GlassFish does not support multi-valued properties in domain.xml.
> Therefore, if you want to specify multiple alternate docroots for a given
> virtual server, you need to make sure that each alternate docroot has a
> distinct property name that starts with alternatedocroot_.

On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 11:18 AM, Sankar Neelakandan <
Sankar.Neelakandan_at_sun.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am soliciting your feedback for the admin cli test plan &
> specifications for V3 TP2 release. Please send me your review comments and I
> am happy to include it in the test plan & specification.
> You can find the docs here.
> http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=QETestPlansAndTestSpecifications
> thanks
> Sankar
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