
Re: Netbeans project template for adding new tests.

From: Gopal Jorapur <Gopal.Jorapur_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 07:34:38 -0700

Hi Sony,

Yes, the Add tests thru netbeans is being worked out, will be added to
web page

Also, please let us know your feedback with current command line Add
Tests. It is supposed to meet basic needs and supposed to be simple


Sony Manuel wrote:
> Hi,
> I was going through the section 'Adding a new test' for V2 & V3. The
> process looks a little cumbersome. There is no IDE support. Can we
> have a NetBeans project template which someone can copy and modify to
> quickly create a new application or test. We have something similar
> for SailFin. See the blog at
> http://blogs.sun.com/sonymanuel/entry/netbeans_project_template_for_sailfin
> thanks,
> Sony
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