
[Fwd: Quicklook Instructions Updated (was IMPORTANT: GlassFish v2 M3 feature freeze... )]

From: Geoff Halliwell <Geoffrey.Halliwell_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2006 08:58:48 -0800

attached mail follows:

Here are the latest instructions for running quicklook on single
instance or cluster mode.


    Quicklook: Run the test on Single instance Domain on Domain Admin
    Server (domain1).

% cd $APS_HOME
% maven runtest

    Quicklook for Cluster mode: Run the test on Cluster mode Domain
    (which is created by using "maven configure-cluster"). This will run
    test on Remote instance sqe-server, created and managed by
    nodeagent, sqe-agent that will be automatically created by the
    following target.

% cd $APS_HOME
% maven runtest-ee-standalone

    To run both Quicklook types above to verify your changes for all
    server combinations, use following command (which may take longer
    since its going to run the tests on both, domain1 and sqe-server as

% cd $APS_HOME
% maven runtest-ee


Dhiru Pandey wrote:

> Hello All,
> We have *promoted* the GlassFish V2/9.1 Milestone 3 (M3) feature
> freeze build (*b26*).
> *GlassFish CVS repository is now open for checkins.*
> Between now and M3 completion
> <http://www.glassfishwiki.org/gfwiki/Wiki.jsp?page=Milestones> (Dec
> 11, 2006) we will be focusing on fixing P1 and P2 bugs
> Please follow the following checkin guidelines as specified at:
> https://glassfish.dev.java.net/public/GuidelinesandConventions.html#Commit_Procedures
> _Additionally, since we are feature frozen:_
> - All checkins must be accompanied with a bug id/issue id
> - Any feature checkins must be approved by me or Sridatta
> - The committers for following components must run *QuickLook tests on
> Cluster (EE QuickLook)* when they make any checkins
> o Admin infrastructure changes related to Server startup/shutdown
> o ORB (changes that use java.nio classes must also run EE
> QuickLook on Windows and Mac OS)
> o Cluster synchronization
> o Grizzly (changes that use java.nio classes must also run EE
> QuickLook on Windows and Mac OS)
> o JAX-WS
> o GMS/JXTA changes
> o In-memory replication
> Thanks,
> -Dhiru