
Re: 9.1 (V2) Milestone 2 Database Certification

From: Sailaja Rao <Sailaja.Rao_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2006 11:20:01 -0700

Status of db execution :

1) Postgres - Server currently down.

2) MSSQL 2005 - Currently, there are some failures due to already existing tables. Database cleanup required by the db administrator.


Judy He wrote:

> Sure, Geoff.
> Lidia, Sailaja and Ming, I know you all have got some of the runs
> going. Can you update us here where you are with the database
> execution for 9.1?
> Thanks,
> Judy
> Geoff Halliwell wrote:
>> Judy,
>> We need to complete a round of database testing on 9.1 (V2) M2 by 10/31,
>> can you please track?
>> Sailaja was to baseline her changes against Oracle and Derby, and then
>> the test runs are to be executed.
>> Lidia will handle Oracle and Derby on the weekly runs. For the
>> remaining databases several people are helping out:
>> - Ming (DB2, MYSQL)
>> - Sailaja (Postgres, MSSQL)
>> Thanks,
>> Geoff