
some comments re TestNG based development proposal

From: Ludovic Champenois <Ludovic.Champenois_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2006 17:56:36 -0700


Geoff asked me to post my comments regarding the current TestNG based
development proposal for GlassFish.
Here we go:

1/ good that we now pushed the readme files on the web site: it easier
to access for an outsider:-)

2/ question maybe for Jerome: how does this ANT based structure would
easily migrate to maven 2? (GlassFish v3?) I am not an expert there.

3/ This is based on ANT (good so that Nb can use it easily)... but I did
not see any NetBeans recommendations (or tests) to use the framework
from NetBeans itself... How would I run the Ng tests from Netbeans?
Maybe some extra doc, or better some NetBeans specific project support?
I see this in the suggestions part, but we need to invest in this area
more. Do you need help there? Maybe we could allocate someone under
Larry Freeman to help.

4/ not sure how many times a developer would have to create a Test
module, but if this grows a lot, we might want to have scripts to
automatize the process. I'ver seen a lot of tests already under devtests

Hope this helps,