
Re: test framework for javascript

From: Lidia <lidia_at_sun.com>
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2006 14:52:09 -0700

Sailaja, Tuong

Just to follow up, it seems we are all researching and trying out
different tools. That's great cause we will be able to easier compare
and evaluate the frameworks and hopefully find one that will fit all our

Tuong had a great idea that we should meet at some point and present our
findings to each other. That would include showing a sample test in a
given tool, as it would work with our ant test framework. I'll be
presenting HtmlUnit and Selenium. Tuong is currently evaluating
jsunit. Let's shoot for a meeting 2 - 3 weeks from now. Does this
sound ok?


Lidia wrote:
> Hey Sailaja
> I'm working on automating tests for JSF. There are many frameworks
> out there that support javascript, or claim to support it. I was
> hoping to hear some opinions on any of them from people who have
> already tried them, so that I would not have to go through the
> exercise of checking out each and every one myself... Anyhow, thanks
> for the pointer.
> lidia
> Sailaja Rao wrote:
>> are you working on web 2.0 ? how come you are looking for javascript
>> automation ? anyway, I heard mercury tools (winrunner) supports
>> javascript.
>> -sailaja
>> Lidia wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I'm looking for a test framework for automating tests exercising a
>>> lot of javascript.
>>> Our first choice was HtmlUnit however, since it tries to mimic a
>>> browser, it does not handle some javascript properly (e.g. it has
>>> problems with hidden fields). I also looked at Selenium IDE. It
>>> provides a nice, quick way of recording tests and is a free
>>> alternative to SilkTest. Selenium RC is supposed to work for
>>> automation, however I haven't had a chance yet to check how well it
>>> will work with our ant framework.
>>> If anyone has any comments regarding javascript testing frameworks
>>> mentioned above or other, that we could use, pluses/minuses for
>>> their use, etc, please let me know.
>>> thanks
>>> lidia