
Re: Invitation to Glassfish EA localization program

From: Shinya Ogino <Shinya.Ogino_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 08 May 2009 07:12:48 +0900

Also inviting people in quality community.

All the details about program are on this page.



Ming Dong wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> Glassfish v3 is scheduled to be released in Sept. 2009. To help you get
> an early access (EA) of this new product in your own language, we plan
> the community project to localize the Glassfish EA program. We invite
> you to join us in this effort. The instructions and related information
> for participation, translation and testing are provided on the Glassfish
> G11n wiki page: http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=G11n
> Please go through the* General Information *and* How to Get Started
> *first, then review the process in project 1 (v3 EA software
> translation) and project 2 (Testing).
> We have designed an online translation tool called (CTI
> <https://cti.sunvirtuallab.com/community/>) which leverages our past
> GlassFish translations (huge amount!). You will find the tool very
> helpful and easy to use. We also created test cases and provide bug
> fixing information to assist your testing. We welcome you all to
> participate in this exciting project and make your contribution to
> Glassfish v3 program.
> If you have any questions, please let us know using the G11n community
> alias <mailto:g11n_at_glassfish.dev.java.net>
> Ming Dong
> Glassfish Globalization Team