
Re: [embedded] Embedded API Source

From: Siraj Ghaffar <Siraj.Ghaffar_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2009 13:45:55 -0500

embedded is not a separate module any more. Look under
./common/glassfish-api/src/main/java/org/glassfish/api/embedded for api.
Also look at
for implementation of many classes.

> I just downloaded the entire Glassfish module from CVS, but I cannot
> find the source for the new embedded API in there anywhere. Is it
> stored elsewhere? How do I get my hands on it? I need to start
> converting my code from the old API and would like the new API source
> for reference.
> --------------------------------------------
> Joey Jarosz
> Senior Architect
> //Chip Planning Solutions//
> **/Cadence Design Systems, Inc./***/
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