
Re: [embedded] Re: Feedback Wanted: Embedded APIs for GFv3 Prelude

From: Rajiv Mordani <rajiv.mordani_at_sun.com>
Date: Thu, 05 Mar 2009 12:00:26 -0800
Hi Joey,
    We are working on providing the ability to add multiple listeners, SSL config etc in the glassfish trunk. For details look at


This is work in progress, so it would be good to get your input if it meets your needs or if you would like to see any changes.


- Rajiv

Joey Jarosz wrote:

Sorry for not being more involved – got blind sided by management and am now just starting to crawl out of from under.


I agree, that EmbeddedInfo needs to be more complete. My original impression when I started looking at Embedded Glassfish was that it would allow me to completely define a configuration via the API – so I would not need static configuration files.


Besides multiple listeners per server, I also need to configure SSL for one of my listeners.


Right now, I hack it all by a combination of modified the text of a template domain.xml file and the Embedded API that does exist.




From: Nazrul.Islam@Sun.COM [mailto:Nazrul.Islam@Sun.COM]
Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2009 11:42 AM
To: Jerome Dochez
Cc: embedded@glassfish.dev.java.net; Anil Gaur
Subject: [embedded] Re: Feedback Wanted: Embedded APIs for GFv3 Prelude


Thanks for the feedbacks.

Jerome Dochez wrote:

EmbeddedInfo is not generic enough, it asks for http ports but what about if you need to add more listener, or even what about if you don't want to open any port (like an embedded EJB Container).

I think the intent was to make it simple for typical use cases. People can use CommandExecutor for more complicated configuration changes.

We need one consistent way of defining 0 to many http listeners and ports.


Do you have a proposal for EmbeddedInfo? We can adjust it.

EmbeddedDeployer is also not generic enough, the scatteredWar concept needs to be extended to an ScatteredArchive concept (which would map to jar, war, rar and maybe even ear) and the deployScattered() methods need to use that ScatteredArchive as a parameter. In fact, I am not sure why we need a deployScattered() method all together, I think deploy() should be enough and we should be smart enough to figure out what was passed to us.

Agreed. We should use ScatteredArchive and deploy method if possible.


EmbeddedMain talks about using the uber jar, it should in fact be moved into the glassfish.jar so that people can do the same thing using a normal distribution (as they can already do today for most of the features of that class, today I can do java -jar glassfish.jar foo.war).

There is no glassfish.jar in this case. Are you asking for supporting "java -jar glassfish.jar foo.war" use case also? Please note that for Prelude, we are not supporting the implanted use case yet. When we support "implanted" we can certainly use glassfish.jar.


Server : why do we return the cataline Engine object ? I suppose this would be removed once we integrate the new web container embedded APIs, right ? If that's the case, we should not have here.


This is a bug. Byron/Jennifer: Could you please remove this?

So as a conclusion, this APIs is very targeted to war file deployment, and we cannot hope to be able to extend it to support full V3 styles of deployment and maintain backward compatibility. 


Either we spend the time to make it right for embedded release or we declare it as a non stable (with knowledge that it will extensively change for v3 release).

Lets see what can be done. This is not throw away work.

Nazrul Islam  -  (408) 276-6468  - Sun Microsystems, Inc.



On Mar 4, 2009, at 12:04 PM, Nazrul Islam wrote:

We are planning to wrap-up the development activities for GFv3 Prelude and move to GFv3 trunk. We would like your feedbacks on the current APIs.

Background on Current APIs:
The APIs has gone through several iterations already. Thanks for filing all the issues. The APIs has been reviewed internally also few times lately ([1], [2], [3]) and is scheduled for a formal review at GlassFish architecture forum on 3/16.  Since we will be doing the webtier APIs on the trunk, for GFv3 Prelude we focused on basics first such as start/stop, configuration management, etc. Refer to attached presentation for a brief overview of the APIs.

Jerome: You mentioned that you may have some feedback. Please let us know.

Thanks much.

Javadocs: https://embedded-glassfish.dev.java.net/nonav/gf-embedded-api/apidocs/

Nazrul Islam  -  (408) 276-6468  - Sun Microsystems, Inc.
