
Re: [embedded] Re: Feedback Wanted: Embedded APIs for GFv3 Prelude

From: Nazrul Islam <Nazrul.Islam_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 09 Mar 2009 17:00:32 -0700

Rajiv Mordani wrote:
>> Current behavior is that we create the some (http) ports by default.
>> It favors the webtier users. For EJB unit tests, this is not
>> desirable. If we change the default behavior such that only ports
>> that are set in the info is created, EJB users will be able to start
>> the server without having to create the webtier ports.
> This does not make sense for the prelude branch. Prelude does not ship
> the ejb container by default. So am not sure what problem are we
> solving with this approach.
Perhaps it will be easier if we talk face to face. We are positioning
the EmbeddedInfo object such that it does not create issues when EJB
comes into the picture. It provides more flexibility. People who wants
the ports can create them. People who do not want the ports (EJB unit
testers) can choose not to create them.

Nazrul Islam  -  (408) 276-6468  - Sun Microsystems, Inc.