Attendees: Homer, Paul, Byron, Jennifer
Action Items:
* Byron - Ask Shing Wai about security error
* Jennifer - Try stop-domain in regular v3 to see if any threads
* If fix for setting java.ext.dir to derby lib does not fix missing
derby jar errors, need to add derby jars to the classpath - try
setting prefix in domain.xml
* Last good SQE run was 146 b8. For 164 many tests couldn't run.
Ports still open after stop-domain?
* Weekly promoted build should start today - Homer will use for next
SQE run.
* Create default index.html page with helpful content
* Remove maven-gfe-plugin
* Byron will create asadmin log-commands to output all commands -
useful for analyzing SQE runs
* Webtier APIs will be smaller subset for embedded prelude release.
* Focus on finalizing the web bundle by end of Feb. HCF 2/27
* Other Priorities: Maven support, Bugs, API
* Byron on vacation March 7-17