Hi people,
I'm trying to create a EJB with Netbeans Enterprise Aplication but I can't
run it. I have a client and ejb modules, without web application module. In
my ejb project I have created an interface with @remote tag, and other class
with @stateless tag which implements the interface.
Then, I create a class in a client module and I defined a static variable
of the interface type. In this class I try to call the remote method.
Finally I create a main class which calls the client class, but the static
EJB variable is null in all cases.
What is my problem? I post too the client classes.
public class Main {
public static void main(String args[]) {
StatelessSessionClase mSta = new StatelessSessionClase();
mSta.getMemoriaServer("Peticion de memoria");
public class StatelessSessionClase {
private static StatelessSession sless;
public void getMemoriaServer(String Mensaje) {
String Memoria = sless.getMemoriaServer();
System.out.println(Mensaje + " " + Memoria);
thank you!
Daniel Benítez.