Hi Markus
>>> Can you please be so kind to help me with this problem?
>>> I am sure if you would provide just a step-by-step instruction
>>> taylored to JUST embedded adapters, this would help me. Embedded
>>> adapters are just shortly covered and I just do not understand the
>>> existing documentation.
Embedded resource adapters deployment is covered in [1]
An embedded RA is referred using the template "AppName#EmbeddedRARname"
as documented in the link above. Connector resources (connector
connection pools/admin objects) can be created using that name while
using the asadmin CLI. The resources for the embedded RARs can be
created using the admin GUI as well and the embedded RARs should just
show up in the drop-down list.
[2] talks about how a MDB can be configured to listed to a resource
adapter. For an embedded RAR, make your <resource-adapter-mid> in
sun-ejb-jar.xml point to AppName#EmbeddedRARname
Please let this list know should you face any issues while trying these out.
>>> Or can you please kindly forward my request to the commercial
>>> programmer support so they can send me a per incidence contract or
>>> something?
FYI: GlassFish support subscriptions related information is at [3] and
per-incident based developer support is available off [4]
Kenneth Saks wrote:
> Hi Markus,
> I've forwarded this to some connector team members who should be able to
> help.
> --ken
> On Jun 25, 2008, at 5:26 AM, Markus Karg wrote:
>> Dear EJB Team,
>> sorry for bothering with user questions, but unfortunately nobody in
>> the users forum was able to help me so you are my last hope.
>> In my EAR I have an EJB-JAR and a resource adapter. The resource
>> adapter provides inbound and outbound of custom interfaces (neither
>> JMS nor JDBC). I need to bind a MDB found in the EJB-JAR to that
>> embedded resource adapter (listening to inbound as it is an MDB) and
>> some other EJBs in the same EJB-JAR to the outbound using @Resource.
>> I have developed lots of RARs in the past, and used them within JOnAS
>> for years. So my problem is mainly about GlassFishv2 configuration but
>> not about programming.
>> I checked all the online resources and forums, but still I am stuck. I
>> just doesn't work, and more and more I am getting confused.
>> Can you please be so kind to help me with this problem?
>> I am sure if you would provide just a step-by-step instruction
>> taylored to JUST embedded adapters, this would help me. Embedded
>> adapters are just shortly covered and I just do not understand the
>> existing documentation.
>> Or can you please kindly forward my request to the commercial
>> programmer support so they can send me a per incidence contract or
>> something?
>> I really need help!
>> Thanks
>> Markus
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