Hi Markus,
I've forwarded this to some connector team members who should be able
to help.
On Jun 25, 2008, at 5:26 AM, Markus Karg wrote:
> Dear EJB Team,
> sorry for bothering with user questions, but unfortunately nobody in
> the users forum was able to help me so you are my last hope.
> In my EAR I have an EJB-JAR and a resource adapter. The resource
> adapter provides inbound and outbound of custom interfaces (neither
> JMS nor JDBC). I need to bind a MDB found in the EJB-JAR to that
> embedded resource adapter (listening to inbound as it is an MDB) and
> some other EJBs in the same EJB-JAR to the outbound using @Resource.
> I have developed lots of RARs in the past, and used them within
> JOnAS for years. So my problem is mainly about GlassFishv2
> configuration but not about programming.
> I checked all the online resources and forums, but still I am stuck.
> I just doesn't work, and more and more I am getting confused.
> Can you please be so kind to help me with this problem?
> I am sure if you would provide just a step-by-step instruction
> taylored to JUST embedded adapters, this would help me. Embedded
> adapters are just shortly covered and I just do not understand the
> existing documentation.
> Or can you please kindly forward my request to the commercial
> programmer support so they can send me a per incidence contract or
> something?
> I really need help!
> Thanks
> Markus
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