
connection DB error

From: Eve Pokua <gorgeous65_at_msn.com>
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2007 12:26:37 +0000

Hello everyone,

I uninstalled my SQL server 2005 express and reinstalled an updated version. I get the following while trying to connect to the DB from the application server SUN 9:

"Operation 'pingConnectionPool'
failed in 'resources' Config
Mbean. Target exception message:
Connection could not be allocated
because: The connection to the
named instance has failed. Error:
Receive timed out."

After spending a couple days researching and trying to resolve the issue, I got fedup and uninstalled the SQL server 2005 express updated version. I also made sure the Old profile was deleted from my 'program files' so i didn't have to encounter the same issue after. However, I am still having the same error after installing the old SQL server express 2005. What I'm I doing wrong? I am sure the property settings are correct too. I've had this kind of error whilst trying to connect to the DB from the application server before, but may be not the same type of error. I have always managed to resolve the issue but this time I'm running out of ideas. Though, there are a lot of post on the internet, the error message is not always the same.

 I think, it has something about me uninstalling the Old SQL server 2005 express and installing a new one and so forth. Maybe the application server keeps data of some kind of the DB. Pls help. I am running out of ideas.



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