ami-t wrote:
> Thanks for the answer..
> However... I was talking about a 7 [*second*] delay, not 7 [mili sec] of
> which I'm aware as JVM doesn't support any real accuracy below 10 [mili
> second]...
> Question is why should the timer service ignore the setup and go for the
> 7 second interval?
> If run this example on you're box, do you get the same result ?
Oh, sorry about that.
I've re-tested the timersession example, and I'm seeing the same behavior.
However, I took a look at the domain.xml DTD, though, and Ken was
essentially right, but typed milliseconds instead of seconds.
Apparently, we all are making this mistake here at Sun. 8^)
The default isn't 7 milliseconds, but 7000 milliseconds (7 seconds):
is the minimum number of milliseconds allowed before the next
timer expiration for a particular timer can occur. It guards
against extremely small timer increments that can overload
the server.
<!ATTLIST ejb-timer-service
minimum-delivery-interval-in-millis CDATA "7000"
max-redeliveries CDATA "1"
timer-datasource CDATA #IMPLIED
redelivery-interval-internal-in-millis CDATA "5000">
So, change the value of minimum-delivery-interval-in-millis in
GlassFish's domain.xml to 3000 milliseconds (3 seconds).
Sorry for the confusion.
Ian Evans
ian dot evans at sun dot com
Java EE technical documentation