Butash, Bob wrote:
> I have an additional question that I have not found an complete answer
> for. I have a Web application that is packaged with the EJB jar file
> in the same EAR file. I would like to use local beans due to the
> performance gains but am not aware of how to access the Local EJB 3.0
> stateless session beans from my pojo objects.
> If it was a web object (servlet or JSF 1.2 backing bean) or another
> container managed class I could use injection (@EJB). But in this
> case it is not so injection is out of the question. For the EJB 2.x
> spec I could configure a local reference to the bean via the web.xml
> file, but that is not applicable to the 3.0 beans.
Hi Bob,
Actually, it is. ejb-ref and ejb-local-ref can be used to refer to EJB
3.0 Remote/Local Business interfaces in addition to EJB 2.x
Home/LocalHome interfaces. Likewise, @EJB can be used to refer to all
the same combinations. @EJB essentially describes the same set of
meta-data as ejb-ref/ejb-local-ref, only in annotation form. Any @EJB
can be translated into an equivalent ejb-ref/ejb-local-ref.
To use ejb-local-ref to describe an EJB 3.0 local business interface
dependency, just leave off the <local-home> element and specify the
local business interface in the <local> element. E.g.
Alternatively, you can still benefit from annotations to *declare* the
ejb dependency even if
you plan to use an explicit lookup in a utility class instead of
injection. For that, you would
use a TYPE-level @EJB within some class in the .war that does support
Java EE environment
annotations , such as a servlet.
@EJB(name="myejbref", beanInterface=com.acme.FooLocalBusiness.class)
public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet { ... }
Regardless of whether you declare it using .xml or @EJB, the utility
class would then
be able to look it up as :
InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
FooLocalBusiness fooLocal = (FooLocalBusiness)
> Am I forced to use Remote Beans in this scenario?
> Thanks,
> Bob Butash
> + bob.butash_at_eds.com