You can declare the depemdency using the @EJB annotation and then from
your POJO, use
(new InititialContext()).lookup() to lookup the bean
Butash, Bob wrote:
> I have an additional question that I have not found an complete answer
> for. I have a Web application that is packaged with the EJB jar file
> in the same EAR file. I would like to use local beans due to the
> performance gains but am not aware of how to access the Local EJB 3.0
> stateless session beans from my pojo objects.
> If it was a web object (servlet or JSF 1.2 backing bean) or another
> container managed class I could use injection (@EJB). But in this
> case it is not so injection is out of the question. For the EJB 2.x
> spec I could configure a local reference to the bean via the web.xml
> file, but that is not applicable to the 3.0 beans. Am I forced to use
> Remote Beans in this scenario?
> Thanks,
> Bob Butash
> +