Re: Please schedule your task brainstorming meetings

From: Paul Davies <Paul-Martin.Davies_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2008 13:09:46 -0700

Hi June,

June.Parks_at_Sun.COM wrote:
> Paul,
> I have already sent an email to the Groovy/Grails team asking to
> schedule a session. Embeddable GlassFish is more late-binding
> according to Alan, so I'm not jumping on that quite so quickly.
> I removed Deployment from the list because I already did it for TP2;
> see Application Mgmt.
That's OK, provided you're certain that Deployment is a duplication of
the feature for which you have already done a task analysis. If you
discover that the new one pager adds functionality that isn't covered,
you can either add new tasks to the Application Mgmt task analysis or
reinstate Deployment. Your call.
> Grizzly is listed twice, once assigned to you, once to me. My
> impression is that Grizzly is more of a back-end or "nucleus" feature
> and doesn't warrant a TA meeting. I recall that at an earlier time
> this was your impression as well.
Grizzly should appear once in this list, even if it doesn't warrant a TA


Paul Davies, Senior Technical Writer, Sun Microsystems, Inc.