Re: Please Review: Doc Planning for TP2

From: Jennifer Ball <Jennifer.Ball_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 08:42:30 -0700

Hi Paul,

Remember that JRuby is not part of GlassFish, and so I don't believe it
should be mentioned in any of the core set of app server docs. I
thought we had decided that a while back, but maybe I'm not remembering

I have the following TOC that I've come up with for jRuby:

   1. Introduction
         1. What is Ruby on Rails?
         2. What is JRuby?
         3. The Glassfish JRuby GEM and advantages of JRuby on Glassfish
   2. Getting Started with JRuby on GlassFish V3
         1. Setting up JRuby
               1. Download and install JRUby
               2. Specify JRUBY_HOME
         2. Installing Rails
         3. Setting up the GF V3 GEM
   3. Running a prepared RoR application on GF.
   4. Creating a Rails appplication
         1. Generating a Controller
         2. Create scaffolding
         3. Bundle Rails as a WAR file
   5. Running a Rails app on GF
         1. Host app on V3 GEM
         2. Deploy app on GF
   6. Accessing a Java EE component from a Rails app using jRuby

Parts 1 and 2 of section 4 are not specific to JRuby on GF, but I have
them in there for now because you need to do steps 1 and 2 before you
can do step 3. I haven't decided how to get around that. Part 6 is not
specific to GF, but it is to JRuby as opposed to RoR, and Pramod wanted
this documented in particular.

In any case, I think all of this should be in its own book, just like
Jersey and jMaki are, and these are also add-ons.

What I meant to ask regarding NB vs CLI is when document tasks in our
books, do we give instructions for doing them with NB or with ant or
what? I guess if we're using ant, Ian would have to provide the ant
tasks when he creates the workspaces. Of course, there is probably not
time for that.

I guess I'm still confused about what is really required for TP2
documentation. It seems that we are doing developer docs for Jersey and
jMaki (because we are producing developer guides for them) even though
the developer tasks are not specific to Glassfish, and yet it sounds
like I'm not supposed to document anything for JRuby that is not
specific to Glassfish. Could you explain this to me again, please?

BTW, if anyone else out there would like to document JRuby, please be my
guest to take it. I think jMaki and Comet will be plenty for me to
handle over the next month.


Paul Davies wrote:
> Hi Jennifer,
> I looked again at the task analysis for JRuby. Most of the tasks seem
> to belong in the Administrator's Guide and the Deployment Guide.
> Of the developer tasks, very few seem to be in the realm of GlassFish.
> They either seem to be generic jRuby tasks (out of scope) or performed
> by using NetBeans (should be in the NetBeans documentation).
> Please look at the task analysis again and separate out the "out of
> scope" tasks (just put them under the heading "Out of Scope Tasks").
> For the remaining tasks, please label them according to where they
> should be documented.
> After you have revised the task analysis, let's look again to see if
> there are enough "in scope" tasks without a home to warrant a separate
> a separate book.
> I'm not sure I can answer your question about NB vs. CLI instructions
> because I am not sure where the CLI is coming from. If the CLI is
> coming from NB, it should be explained in the NB documentation. If the
> CLI is generic to jRuby, it's out of scope. Only if the CLI is part of
> GlassFish do we need to document it.
> Hope this helps.
> Regards,
> -Paul
> Jennifer Ball wrote:
>> Hi Paul,
>> I think we'll need a separate book for JRuby. I didn't see it listed
>> there. We might also need a CVS repository too.
>> Also, I remember someone asking about NB vs. CLI instructions, but I
>> don't recall the answer. Do we use NB instructions or CLI
>> instructions? The reason I ask is because a lot of the existing
>> documentation (blogs and GS guides, etc) are written using the
>> various NB plug-ins. OTOH, the tools group has their own NB-specific
>> documentation for JRuby and jMaki. This isn't really an issue with
>> Comet because there is no tools support.
>> Thanks.
>> Jennifer
>> Paul Davies wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Although work on the documentation for GlassFish v3 TP2 is well
>>> under way, I thought it would be worth rechecking our assumptions
>>> for TP2 in the light of the information that Abhijit shared at the
>>> GlassFish v3 doc planning meeting last week.
>>> Please review the TP2 deliverables at
>>> and let me know if I have correctly identified the primary usage
>>> scenarios for TP2 and the documentation deliverables required for
>>> those usage scenarios.
>>> If possible, please give me any feedback you have by the end of this
>>> week.
>>> Thank you!
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