
List Changes -- Starting Tonight

From: Edward Bratt <ed.bratt_at_oracle.com>
Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2011 14:23:49 -0800
(This is going to all GlassFish lists that will be changed -- my apologies if you receive this multiple times)
Starting tomorrow, the following Glassfish lists will be reconfigured to reject e-mail, sent from anyone who is not either a subscriber, or a member of java.net:
advocacy, announce, arch, dev, discuss_ja, docs, ejb, embedded, g11n, gap-submissions, governance, governance-private, leads, nucleus, packages, persistence, quality, verifier, videos, web-tier, and wiki.
These lists are currently setup to moderate messages from users that are not currently subscribers. This change is necessary due to the increase in SPAM that is being dumped onto these lists (and lack of time to review, what is about 99% junk mail).

Your action:
Please go check your java.net profile. Kenai mail servers determine java.net membership by linking the user's registered e-mail address with the from field in the e-mail header. Therefore, some e-mail, which may have been previously routed for the list moderator, will now be rejected. Users who have already registered can confirm  their address by viewing and updating their profile: (Log in to Kenai via a browser (e.g. beta.java.net), Click on My Page (java.net/mypage), then click Edit My Profile). Otherwise, the user must have their e-mail directly registered as a list subscriber.

If any list or team wishes to maintain the moderator function, please send me the user ID and e-mail address for that person and I'll be happy to implement that change. The lists: users@glassfish.java.net and quality-feedback@glassfish.java.net will continue to accept messages from unauthenticated e-mail addresses, which will be continued to be moderated.

Thank you!
Cheers, Ed

Ed Bratt | Senior Software Development Manager
Phone: +1 408 2764170 | Fax: +1 408 2767191 | Skype ID: edbratt
Oracle GlassFish Server
4220 Network Circle | MS USCA22-102 | Santa Clara, CA 95054

            Oracle Oracle is committed to developing practices and products that help protect the environment

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