Is the "?WSDL" publication URL required?

From: jason fordham <>
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 11:13:41 -0800

Hi all,

Someone's asked me if it is possible to disable the "?WSDL" publication
URL, and I find myself wondering if that's even allowed: unfortunately,
the big search engines strip question marks from search terms, so it's
very hard to get anything specific, and so I would really appreciate
some help from the community memory.

What is the role of the "?WSDL" resource at runtime? Is it required for
service verification/validation, as part of the contract between
Provider and Consumer, or is it no longer needed? Is there a W3C
document that discusses when it is needed, or if it is required at all?
Why do so many Application Servers offer it?
