FindBugs - new bug detectors

From: Bill Shannon <>
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 15:27:34 -0700

Another change we're making to our use of FindBugs is that we have new
custom bug detectors! These new detectors, written by Sandeep Shrivastava
of Oracle, report violations of our conventions for use of the logging APIs.
We've just enabled use of these new bug detectors and some of you may have
already gotten messages about bugs found by these detectors.

The detectors are described here:

The conventions for use of the logging APIs are described in the Logging Guide:

More information about our use of these new detectors is here:

All uses of java.util.logging in the GlassFish server are expected to follow
the conventions in the Logging Guide. However, java.util.logging is used
differently in the local CLI commands, and does not follow those conventions.
The bug detectors don't enforce these conventions in classes that extend
CLICommand. Some utility classes that are called by the CLICommand classes
also do logging. We need help identifying these classes so that we can
exclude them from these bug detectors.

If you discover instances of these new errors in CLI-related classes,
please let me know.
