> It's possible that we skip annotation scanning for --type osgi for
> performance improvement, will this affect the deployment of hybrid OSGi
> application? I think for hybrid application, you do a two-step
> deployment, will the second step of the deployment calls
> Deployment.deploy with a Java EE type so annotation scanning will happen
> as expected? If this will not cause any issue for hybrid application,
> please file a RFE for this and I will look into it.
Although I have not done more investigation of annotation
scanning(especially for hybrid application, this means what), I think
that there is a way that maybe made us decrease the risk of regression.
[My Idea]
Adding a deploying type called hybridosgi to diffrentiate plain osgi
deployment, and in plain osgi deployment scene, we use --type osgi.
I know that the way will break existed user interface, however,
according to my understanding, "--type osgi" contains too many
responsibilities, for hybrid scene, we can say the app is a javaee app
or it is also an OSGi app, however, I think that "--type osgi" does not
reflect real means.
Hong Zhang wrote:
> On 2/24/2013 11:01 PM, Sahoo wrote:
>> On Monday 25 February 2013 08:21 AM, Tang Yong wrote:
>>> Hi Ancoron,
>>> Thanks your comments.
>>>> Also, GLASSFISH-16560 comes to my mind here.
>>> I have not done more investigation for ear scene in depth.
>>> However, as to OSGi scene, just now I have done an experiment,
>>> Still taking the groovy-all bundle as an example, I used "asadmin osgi
>>> install ..." rather than "asadmin deploy --type=osgi ..." and result is
>>> that "asadmin osgi install ..." is more faster than "asadmin deploy
>>> --type=osgi ..." and can be acceptable by an user although groovy-all
>>> 1.8.6 bundle contains 3715 classes.
>>> So, I think that this issue or bottleneck should be not from OSGi comp
>>> and should be from Deployment itself or Shell responsive.
>>> Wish that the issue can be improved as soon as possible becuase most of
>>> users maybe use to deploy command.
>> That's because "osgi install" does not involve annotation scanning
>> unlike "deploy --type osgi." May be annotation scanning should be only
>> done for Java EE application types. Hong, what do you think of this?
> It's possible that we skip annotation scanning for --type osgi for
> performance improvement, will this affect the deployment of hybrid OSGi
> application? I think for hybrid application, you do a two-step
> deployment, will the second step of the deployment calls
> Deployment.deploy with a Java EE type so annotation scanning will happen
> as expected? If this will not cause any issue for hybrid application,
> please file a RFE for this and I will look into it.
> Thanks,
> - Hong