Re: A question of deployment

From: Tang Yong <>
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2013 13:03:18 +0900


> unlike "deploy --type osgi." May be annotation scanning should be only
> done for Java EE application types. Hong, what do you think of this?
Just my means. right. Pure OSGi jar's deployment mode should be
different from Hybrid OSGi App and JavaEE App.

Wish hong can comment this.


Sahoo wrote:
> On Monday 25 February 2013 08:21 AM, Tang Yong wrote:
>> Hi Ancoron,
>> Thanks your comments.
>>> Also, GLASSFISH-16560 comes to my mind here.
>> I have not done more investigation for ear scene in depth.
>> However, as to OSGi scene, just now I have done an experiment,
>> Still taking the groovy-all bundle as an example, I used "asadmin osgi
>> install ..." rather than "asadmin deploy --type=osgi ..." and result is
>> that "asadmin osgi install ..." is more faster than "asadmin deploy
>> --type=osgi ..." and can be acceptable by an user although groovy-all
>> 1.8.6 bundle contains 3715 classes.
>> So, I think that this issue or bottleneck should be not from OSGi comp
>> and should be from Deployment itself or Shell responsive.
>> Wish that the issue can be improved as soon as possible becuase most of
>> users maybe use to deploy command.
> That's because "osgi install" does not involve annotation scanning
> unlike "deploy --type osgi." May be annotation scanning should be only
> done for Java EE application types. Hong, what do you think of this?
> Sahoo