Re: A question of deployment

From: Tang Yong <>
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2013 11:51:31 +0900

Hi Ancoron,

Thanks your comments.

> Also, GLASSFISH-16560 comes to my mind here.
I have not done more investigation for ear scene in depth.

However, as to OSGi scene, just now I have done an experiment,

Still taking the groovy-all bundle as an example, I used "asadmin osgi
install ..." rather than "asadmin deploy --type=osgi ..." and result is
that "asadmin osgi install ..." is more faster than "asadmin deploy
--type=osgi ..." and can be acceptable by an user although groovy-all
1.8.6 bundle contains 3715 classes.

So, I think that this issue or bottleneck should be not from OSGi comp
and should be from Deployment itself or Shell responsive.

Wish that the issue can be improved as soon as possible becuase most of
users maybe use to deploy command.


Ancoron Luciferis wrote:
> Hi Tang,
> I've also noticed that the deployment of groovy-all bundles is really a
> bottleneck. I haven't analyzed in depth why this is the case but I think
> there are multiple full artifact scans on the way at deployment time
> down to the level of annotation scanning for each and every class.
> As the groovy-all 1.8.6 bundle contains 3715 classes it could take a while.
> Also I think the process of scanning an artifact is not (yet)
> parallelized, which also doesn't help the overall deployment time.
> Also, GLASSFISH-16560 comes to my mind here.
> The reason for the shell to be not responsive during deployment time is
> that (AFAIK) it is a single synchronous call to the server. I think this
> can only be improved by making the client communication session-aware
> and using an asynchronous approach, so that we could also start multiple
> deployments in parallel. But the latter has to be supported by the
> server as well, which I think currently is not the case with OSGi.
> @Sahoo: please correct me if I am wrong at this.
> Cheers,
> Ancoron
> On 02/23/2013 10:42 AM, Tang Yong wrote:
>>> In addition, deploying groovy-all-1.8.6 bundle[2] is very slow and even
>> [2]:
>> Tang
>> Tang Yong wrote:
>>> In addition, deploying groovy-all-1.8.6 bundle[2] is very slow and even
>>> hangs, and noticing that during the hanging state, in felix-cache and
>>> domain1/application, some deployed directories and files can be
>>> generated, however, cmd shell is in hanging state.
>>> Thanks
>>> --Tang
>>> Tang Yong wrote:
>>>> Hi Sahoo, Hong
>>>> I have a question about deployment as following:
>>>> Today, I tried vaadin( related to GLASSFISH-18381.
>>>> To reproduce GLASSFISH-18381, first, needing to deploy vaadin bundle[1].
>>>> [1]:
>>>> So, I tried to execute the following command:
>>>> asadmin deploy --type=osgi vaadin-6.7.5.jar
>>>> Although deploying is successfully, in the whole deployment process
>>>> there are two unacceptable issues for an user:
>>>> 1) command shell is in hanging state for long time
>>>> 2) the whole deployment time is 188,032 milliseconds(for my env)
>>>> In the server.log, there are the following info:
>>>> [#|2013-02-23T18:08:50.640+0900|INFO|glassfish
>>>> 4.0|javax.enterprise.logging.stdout|_ThreadID=82;_ThreadName=admin-listener(1);_TimeMillis=1361610530640;_LevelValue=800;|Installed
>>>> com.vaadin [286] from
>>>> reference:file:/D:/20130125/glassfish4/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/vaadin-6.7.5/|#]
>>>> [#|2013-02-23T18:08:50.671+0900|INFO|glassfish
>>>> 4.0|javax.enterprise.logging.stdout|_ThreadID=82;_ThreadName=admin-listener(1);_TimeMillis=1361610530671;_LevelValue=800;|Started
>>>> com.vaadin [286]|#]
>>>> [#|2013-02-23T18:08:50.750+0900|INFO|glassfish
>>>> 4.0|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=82;_ThreadName=admin-listener(1);_TimeMillis=1361610530750;_LevelValue=800;|vaadin-6.7.5
>>>> was successfully deployed in 188,032 milliseconds.|#]
>>>> So, I ask you to confirm whether the same with me. Normal state should
>>>> be that deployment process should be fast for such an artifact.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> --Tang