In addition, deploying groovy-all-1.8.6 bundle[2] is very slow and even
hangs, and noticing that during the hanging state, in felix-cache and
domain1/application, some deployed directories and files can be
generated, however, cmd shell is in hanging state.
Tang Yong wrote:
> Hi Sahoo, Hong
> I have a question about deployment as following:
> Today, I tried vaadin( related to GLASSFISH-18381.
> To reproduce GLASSFISH-18381, first, needing to deploy vaadin bundle[1].
> [1]:
> So, I tried to execute the following command:
> asadmin deploy --type=osgi vaadin-6.7.5.jar
> Although deploying is successfully, in the whole deployment process
> there are two unacceptable issues for an user:
> 1) command shell is in hanging state for long time
> 2) the whole deployment time is 188,032 milliseconds(for my env)
> In the server.log, there are the following info:
> [#|2013-02-23T18:08:50.640+0900|INFO|glassfish
> 4.0|javax.enterprise.logging.stdout|_ThreadID=82;_ThreadName=admin-listener(1);_TimeMillis=1361610530640;_LevelValue=800;|Installed
> com.vaadin [286] from
> reference:file:/D:/20130125/glassfish4/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/vaadin-6.7.5/|#]
> [#|2013-02-23T18:08:50.671+0900|INFO|glassfish
> 4.0|javax.enterprise.logging.stdout|_ThreadID=82;_ThreadName=admin-listener(1);_TimeMillis=1361610530671;_LevelValue=800;|Started
> com.vaadin [286]|#]
> [#|2013-02-23T18:08:50.750+0900|INFO|glassfish
> 4.0|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=82;_ThreadName=admin-listener(1);_TimeMillis=1361610530750;_LevelValue=800;|vaadin-6.7.5
> was successfully deployed in 188,032 milliseconds.|#]
> So, I ask you to confirm whether the same with me. Normal state should
> be that deployment process should be fast for such an artifact.
> Thanks
> --Tang