Re: List of bundles and their purpose

From: Bill Shannon <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2013 12:40:54 -0800

And note that most of these modules aren't designed to be widely used
outside the scope of GlassFish. You can see from the dependencies of
most of these modules that they're just being used to better structure
the internals of GlassFish, not to provide reusable software components.
(Some of these modules have well defined interfaces and dependencies
and are designed to be pluggable or replaceable, but many are not.)

Tom Mueller wrote on 01/23/13 12:16:
> Darryl,
> I'm not aware of any consolidated list. Each OSGi bundle corresponds to a single
> maven project within the source tree, and within the pom.xml file for the module
> there is a brief description and information about a module lead.
> Tom
> On 1/23/13 12:52 PM, Darryl Mocek wrote:
>> Is there documentation anywhere which lists the Glassfish OSGi bundles and
>> their purpose? I have a list of the bundles and their
>> import/export/dependencies, but I'm looking for more detail on the
>> functionality each bundle supplies.
>> Thanks,
>> Darryl