FindBugs progress - 10/24/2012

From: Bill Shannon <>
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2012 14:59:41 -0700

Even more incredible progress in the last month!!!

The total number of FindBugs errors is down to 965, a drop of almost 400
since the report a month ago. Wow!

Of the 119 modules in the baseline, 109 of them have met the goal.

Here's the 10 modules remaining to meet the goal. Each of them only
needs 10 or fewer bugs fixed.

Appserver Core Bootstraping Classes base: 45 goal: 30 cur: 40
Java EE Management JSR 77 MEJB base: 6 goal: 4 cur: 5
javax.resource API v.1.6 base: 3 goal: 2 cur: 3 API v.1.0 base: 1 goal: 0 cur: 1
JMS Module base: 24 goal: 16 cur: 25
Load-Balancer admin base: 32 goal: 21 cur: 27
Private APIs of Glassfish V3 base: 17 goal: 11 cur: 14
Scattered Archive APIs of Glassfish base: 6 goal: 4 cur: 7
Test utilities base: 1 goal: 0 cur: 1
WebServices Security and JSR 196 SOAP Pr base: 12 goal: 8 cur: 14

Just a reminder - you can find the details here (Oracle internal):