Re: Error when dynamically change 'Full profile' to 'Web profile '

From: alex Woo <>
Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2012 15:30:33 +0800


Thanks for your explanation.

> I see webservices-extra-jdk-packages.jar, which is a framework extension
bundle. So, surely we should be entering the
> second if block as well.

please note that, the value of 'systemBundleUpdationRequired' is just
updated in BundleProvisioner#update(...) but not in

this maybe the reason.



2012/9/29 Sahoo <>

> **
> Alex,
> As you must have figured out, if any bundle in modules/ is changes,
> hasAnythingChanged() returns true. But, not all kind of change requires a
> framework update. Only when framework extension bundles are involved, we
> need to update the framework and that's why we call
> bundleProvisioner.setBundleContext() in the second if block only. If
> framework is not updated, its bundle context remains valid, so there is no
> need to call bundleProvisioner.setBundleContext() in first if block.
> Looking at the list of bundles getting uninstalled as sent by you in your
> first email, I see webservices-extra-jdk-packages.jar, which is a framework
> extension bundle. So, surely we should be entering the second if block as
> well. Let me see if I can reproduce the issue locally.
> Thanks,
> Sahoo
> On Saturday 29 September 2012 09:19 AM, alex Woo wrote:
> Sahoo,
> Thanks for you reply. Yes I am using GF I merged the code from
> trunk and build, but same error still occured.
> I debuged and found that it didn't enter the if block [if
> (bundleProvisioner.isSystemBundleUpdationRequired()) ], but entered into
> [ if (bundleProvisioner.hasAnyThingChanged())] .
> if (*bundleProvisioner.hasAnyThingChanged()*) {
> bundleProvisioner.refresh();
> deleteHK2Cache(); // clean hk2 cache so that updated
> bundle details will go in there.
> // Save the bundle ids for use during restart.
> storeBundleIds(bundleIds.toArray(new
> Long[bundleIds.size()]));
> }
> if (*bundleProvisioner.isSystemBundleUpdationRequired()*) {
> logger.logp(Level.INFO, "OSGiFrameworkLauncher",
> "launchOSGiFrameWork", "Updating system bundle");
> framework.update();
> framework.waitForStop(0);
> framework.init();
> bundleProvisioner.setBundleContext(framework.getBundleContext());
> }
> Adding
> [... bundleProvisioner.setBundleContext(framework.getBundleContext());] in
> the second if block really fix this issue?
> After bundleProvisioner#refresh() was called, is there no need to do
> something to ensure the refresh() really compele?
> Thanks
> Alex
> 2012/9/29 Sahoo <>
>> Alex,
>> From the line numbers in the stacktrace reported by you, I see you are
>> using gf 3.1.2. You must have looked at gf 3.1.2 source then. There used to
>> be an issue in 3.1.x branch, but it has been fixed in trunk. In trunk, we
>> now do the following:
>> if (bundleProvisioner.isSystemBundleUpdationRequired()) {
>> logger.logp(Level.INFO, "OSGiFrameworkLauncher",
>> "launchOSGiFrameWork", "Updating system bundle");
>> framework.update();
>> framework.waitForStop(0);
>> framework.init();
>> *
>> bundleProvisioner.setBundleContext(framework.getBundleContext());*
>> }
>> We do this specifically to avoid the IllegalStateException.
>> Thanks,
>> Sahoo
>> On Friday 28 September 2012 08:02 PM, alex Woo wrote:
>> I saw the source code both GF and Felix, found that the reason my be
>> this:
>> When new/updated/removed bundles during subsequent
>> restart, BundleProvisioner#refresh() was called,
>> and will eventually call Felix#update() which will stop and restart the
>> framework on a separated thread,
>> after Felix#stop() was called, the BundleContext come to invalidate.
>> so, BundleProvisioner#startBundles() Failure..
>> thanks
>> Alex
>> 2012/9/28 Sahoo <>
>>> [ the original submitter was missing - adding him]
>>> On Friday 28 September 2012 06:44 PM, Sahoo wrote:
>>> On Friday 28 September 2012 06:40 PM, JJ Snyder wrote:
>>> Let's try this one more time...
>>> Whenever I modify anything in modules I always wipe clean the osgi-cache
>>> directory. Stop GF, go to /glassfish3/glassfish/domains/domain1/osgi-cache
>>> and remove all files and dirctories, then restart GF.
>>> JJ
>>> This is actually *not* required. I rarely clean the cache. GF
>>> provisioner is coded such that it takes care of new/updated/removed bundles
>>> during subsequent restart. I need more info from user to see what's
>>> happening. It could be a bug.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Sahoo