Re: Error when dynamically change 'Full profile' to 'Web profile '

From: Sahoo <>
Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2012 12:22:22 +0530


As you must have figured out, if any bundle in modules/ is changes,
hasAnythingChanged() returns true. But, not all kind of change requires
a framework update. Only when framework extension bundles are involved,
we need to update the framework and that's why we call
bundleProvisioner.setBundleContext() in the second if block only. If
framework is not updated, its bundle context remains valid, so there is
no need to call bundleProvisioner.setBundleContext() in first if block.

Looking at the list of bundles getting uninstalled as sent by you in
your first email, I see webservices-extra-jdk-packages.jar, which is a
framework extension bundle. So, surely we should be entering the second
if block as well. Let me see if I can reproduce the issue locally.


On Saturday 29 September 2012 09:19 AM, alex Woo wrote:
> Sahoo,
> Thanks for you reply. Yes I am using GF I merged the code
> from trunk and build, but same error still occured.
> I debuged and found that it didn't enter the if block [if
> (bundleProvisioner.isSystemBundleUpdationRequired()) ], but entered
> into [ if (bundleProvisioner.hasAnyThingChanged())] .
> if (*bundleProvisioner.hasAnyThingChanged()*) {
> bundleProvisioner.refresh();
> deleteHK2Cache(); // clean hk2 cache so that updated
> bundle details will go in there.
> // Save the bundle ids for use during restart.
> storeBundleIds(bundleIds.toArray(new
> Long[bundleIds.size()]));
> }
> if (*bundleProvisioner.isSystemBundleUpdationRequired()*) {
> logger.logp(Level.INFO, "OSGiFrameworkLauncher",
> "launchOSGiFrameWork", "Updating system bundle");
> framework.update();
> framework.waitForStop(0);
> framework.init();
> bundleProvisioner.setBundleContext(framework.getBundleContext());
> }
> Adding
> [... bundleProvisioner.setBundleContext(framework.getBundleContext());] in
> the second if block really fix this issue?
> After bundleProvisioner#refresh() was called, is there no need to do
> something to ensure the refresh() really compele?
> Thanks
> Alex
> 2012/9/29 Sahoo <
> <>>
> Alex,
> From the line numbers in the stacktrace reported by you, I see you
> are using gf 3.1.2. You must have looked at gf 3.1.2 source then.
> There used to be an issue in 3.1.x branch, but it has been fixed
> in trunk. In trunk, we now do the following:
> if (bundleProvisioner.isSystemBundleUpdationRequired()) {
> logger.logp(Level.INFO, "OSGiFrameworkLauncher",
> "launchOSGiFrameWork", "Updating system bundle");
> framework.update();
> framework.waitForStop(0);
> framework.init();
> *
> bundleProvisioner.setBundleContext(framework.getBundleContext());*
> }
> We do this specifically to avoid the IllegalStateException.
> Thanks,
> Sahoo
> On Friday 28 September 2012 08:02 PM, alex Woo wrote:
>> I saw the source code both GF and Felix, found that the reason
>> my be this:
>> When new/updated/removed bundles during subsequent
>> restart, BundleProvisioner#refresh() was called,
>> and will eventually call Felix#update() which will stop and
>> restart the framework on a separated thread,
>> after Felix#stop() was called, the BundleContext come to invalidate.
>> so, BundleProvisioner#startBundles() Failure..
>> thanks
>> Alex
>> 2012/9/28 Sahoo <
>> <>>
>> [ the original submitter was missing - adding him]
>> On Friday 28 September 2012 06:44 PM, Sahoo wrote:
>>> On Friday 28 September 2012 06:40 PM, JJ Snyder wrote:
>>>> Let's try this one more time...
>>>> Whenever I modify anything in modules I always wipe clean
>>>> the osgi-cache directory. Stop GF, go to
>>>> /glassfish3/glassfish/domains/domain1/osgi-cache and remove
>>>> all files and dirctories, then restart GF.
>>>> JJ
>>> This is actually *not* required. I rarely clean the cache.
>>> GF provisioner is coded such that it takes care of
>>> new/updated/removed bundles during subsequent restart. I
>>> need more info from user to see what's happening. It could
>>> be a bug.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Sahoo