Re: Error when dynamically change 'Full profile' to 'Web profile '

From: alex Woo <>
Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2012 22:32:50 +0800

 I saw the source code both GF and Felix, found that the reason my be this:

       When new/updated/removed bundles during subsequent
restart, BundleProvisioner#refresh() was called,

and will eventually call Felix#update() which will stop and restart the
framework on a separated thread,

after Felix#stop() was called, the BundleContext come to invalidate.

so, BundleProvisioner#startBundles() Failure..



2012/9/28 Sahoo <>

> **
> [ the original submitter was missing - adding him]
> On Friday 28 September 2012 06:44 PM, Sahoo wrote:
> On Friday 28 September 2012 06:40 PM, JJ Snyder wrote:
> Let's try this one more time...
> Whenever I modify anything in modules I always wipe clean the osgi-cache
> directory. Stop GF, go to /glassfish3/glassfish/domains/domain1/osgi-cache
> and remove all files and dirctories, then restart GF.
> JJ
> This is actually *not* required. I rarely clean the cache. GF provisioner
> is coded such that it takes care of new/updated/removed bundles during
> subsequent restart. I need more info from user to see what's happening. It
> could be a bug.
> Thanks,
> Sahoo