Re: GlassFish parent pom changes

From: Sahoo <>
Date: Fri, 07 Sep 2012 14:25:57 +0530

On Friday 07 September 2012 02:17 PM, Romain Grecourt wrote:
> On 9/7/12 8:19 AM, Sahoo wrote:
>> Romain,
>> Let me understand this better. If an external dependency is needed by
>> both some nucleus module and appserver module, do we have to update
>> dependencyManagement section of both nucleus/pom.xml and
>> appserver/pom.xml? Or, appserver/pom.xml extends nucleus/pom.xml?
> appserver/pom.xml extends nucleus/pom.xml. Nothing should be duplicated.
Well, we now have a multiple inheritance problem:

closed/appserver -> open/appserver -> open/nucleus
closed/nucleus -> open/nucleus

So, if something is needed by modules in closed/nucleus and
closed/appserver, then we have the same issue I mentioned in my first
email, don't we?

Adding cloud module will only aggravate the issue.
