Re: about Java APIs for WSDL(JSR 110)

From: Tang Yong <>
Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2012 10:23:27 +0900

Hi MartiNG,

   Thanks your reply very much! and I see.


Martin Grebac wrote:
> Hi,
> Metro/JAX-WS/JAX-RPC does not provide JSR 110 implementation at this
> point, which means GF most likely does not provide it as well. Also,
> JDK6 does not include the apis/impl,
> MartiNG
> On 8/27/12 3:30 AM, Tang Yong wrote:
>> Hi Bill,
>> Thanks for your reply.
>> The reason that I ask the problem is that while I am integrating
>> Apache DCXF into Glassfish, because DCXF has a dependent bundle called
>> "org.apache.servicemix.bundles.wsdl4j-1.6.2_5.jar" which implemets
>> Java APIs for WSDL(JSR 110), so I want to know whether glassfish has
>> also included a coresponding JSR 110 implemetation. Indeed, just as
>> you said, Glassfish JSR 110 implemetation maybe should be included in
>> Metro Web Services or JAX-RPC or JAX-WS, however, from my
>> investigation, on Current Glassfish distribution, I have not found any
>> such bundle.
>> So,
>> > Need an expert in that area to confirm.
>> I agree with you.
>> Thanks!
>> --Tang
>> Bill Shannon wrote:
>>> It's not required by Java EE, but it might be used in the implementation
>>> of JAX-RPC or JAX-WS, but I didn't think we used it. Need an expert in
>>> that area to confirm.
>>> Tang Yong wrote on 08/25/2012 12:30 AM:
>>>> Hi Bill, Team,
>>>> Could you please tell me on current gf implementation, whether
>>>> having the implementation of Java APIs for WSDL(JSR 110) or need to
>>>> include Java APIs for WSDL(JSR 110) or not, and I have also found it
>>>> on jdk 1.6.
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> --Tang

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