About GLASSFISH-18861

From: Lv Songping <>
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2012 16:45:27 +0800

Dear Hong Zhang
Cc:glassfish admin team,Tom

    I have revised the issue(GLASSFISH-18861) about the " After setting
context root of two wars which deployed on the server target with the same
value,both of the two wars accessed failed " and reflected the modified
files into and please review
it and give me some advices.

    I think it should be an admin-cli issue related to the set method in, it set the new values into domain.xml file before check the
situation whether the contextroot is already used by another applications on
the same target. I have defined two method called isCtxRootexist and
validateTargetDup to check whether the contextroot is already exists on the
same target.

The issue url is as follows:

--Best Regards
--Jeremy Lv