Re: About the GLASSFISH-16651

From: Tang Yong <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2012 12:52:52 +0900

forget a point:

> 2) because I am also interested in the integration between cdi and
>osgi, I will evaluate it and may be contribute some features.

Now, because Sahoo has implemented typesafe injection of dynamic OSGi
services in hybrid Java EE applications , I will evaluate jboss's
weld-osgi integration and tracking osgi rfp 146, then, investigate
the feature liking GLASSFISH-15364 if sahoo has not done.

--Best Regard!

Tang Yong wrote:
> Hi Sahoo,Hong
> I have finished the implementation of [GLASSFISH-16651] according to
> sahoo's suggestion. Only is modified.
> Please review it and try it!
> Continue to do:
> 1) admin gui's enhancement when deploying a wab
> 2) because I am also interested in the integration between cdi and osgi,
> I will evaluate it and may be contribute some features.
> But firstly, I will consider admin gui's enhancement.
> --Best Regard!
> --Tang
> Sahoo wrote:
>> Hi Tang,
>> Here are my comments about the latest code available in your git repo:
>> 1. I don't understand the reason behind changing WARManifestProcessor.
>> That code enforces the spec requirements about what can be overridden
>> and what can't be. Is it a leftover from your earlier change?
>> 2. About passing properties in deploy command:
>> Allow user to provide the properties as shown below:
>> asadmin deploy --properties
>> uriScheme=webBundle:Bundle-SymbolicName=foo:Import-Package=javax.servlet:Web-ContextPath=/foo
>> /tmp/foo.war
>> This will result in following configuration in domain.xml:
>> <application
>> location="${com.sun.aas.instanceRootURI}/applications/foo/" name="foo"
>> object-type="user">
>> <property name="Import-Package" value="javax.servlet"></property>
>> <property name="uriScheme" value="webBundle"></property>
>> <property name="appLocation"
>> value="${com.sun.aas.instanceRootURI}/applications/__internal/foo/foo.war"></property>
>> <property name="Web-ContextPath" value="/foo"></property>
>> <property name="defaultAppName" value="foo"></property>
>> <property name="Bundle-SymbolicName" value="foo"></property>
>> <module name="foo">
>> <engine sniffer="osgi"></engine>
>> </module>
>> </application>
>> You can then treat everything except uriScheme as query parameters
>> while constructing the final URI. That way, you don't have to worry
>> about input validation. That will be handled by the stream handler.
>> 3. OSGiDeployer may not be the right place to make the new URI,
>> because by the OSGiDeployer is called user's jar would have been
>> exploded into a directory and I don't think
>> WebBundleURLStreamHandlerFactory can handle any input stream other
>> than a JarInputStream. Did it actually work for you? Can't you just
>> change OSGiArchiveHandler like you had done earlier?
>> Have you signed the contributor agreement [1] that's required to
>> supply code to GlassFish project? If not, please do that so that we
>> can have more involved discussion.
>> Thanks,
>> Sahoo
>> [1]
>> On Wednesday 11 July 2012 01:12 PM, Tang Yong wrote:
>>> Dear Sahoo, Hong
>>> CC: Tom
>>> Now, the new prototype has been implemented and wish you to review it.
>>> On the new prototype, there are the following changes:
>>> 1 decoupling between osgi-container and osgi-web-container
>>> According to new investigation, Modifying OSGiArchiveHandler.expand
>>> is not a good place, although it is a place to rewrite Manifest.MF to
>>> glassfish\domains\domain1\applications\XXXX. Originally, for reusing
>>> WebBundleURLStreamHandlerService, I added the coupling between
>>> osgi-container and osgi-web-container and breaked the dependency.
>>> On the new prototype, by means of modifying OSGiDeployer class simply,
>>> while executing "getBundleContext().installBundle", by constructing a
>>> new url string, osgi-web-container module can intercept and handle the
>>> url with webbundle scheme. Thus, also removing the coupling between
>>> osgi-container and osgi-web-container, and I think it is a more easy
>>> modify way!
>>> 2 about the new using way
>>> Now, according to sahoo's suggestion, a user can use the following way:
>>> 1) asadmin deploy --type=osgi --properties
>>> uriScheme=wab:Web-ContextPath=/test_sample1 e:\test_sample1.war
>>> 2) asadmin deploy --type=osgi --properties
>>> uriScheme=wab:Web-ContextPath=/test_sample1:Bundle-SymbolicName=test1
>>> e:\test_sample1.war
>>> ...
>>> Note1:
>>> On sahoo's suggestion, wish user to use the following way:
>>> asadmin deploy --type=osgi --properties uriScheme=wab
>>> queryParams="Web-ContextPath=/test_sample1" e:\test_sample1.war
>>> However, when I implemented and tested the above using way, I found that
>>> GF cannot support the case, and the following error appeared:
>>> Invalid property syntax, "=" in value:
>>> queryParams=Web-ContextPath=/test_sample1Invalid property syntax, "=" in
>>> value:
>>> So, I changed the using way.
>>> Note2:about context.getAppProps().getProperty
>>> On the earlier thread, Hong has pointed that
>>> context.getAppProps().getProperty should get values of options. However,
>>> if executing context.getAppProps().getProperty on
>>> OSGiArchiveHandler.expand, I can not get values of options, because at
>>> that time, "deploymentContext.getAppProps().putAll(properties) " still
>>> has not been executed. This is not a bug, and thanks Hong for letting me
>>> to check and consider implementation of prototype again.
>>> [Problem]
>>> After using the new prototype to deploy a wab, the contents of
>>> Manifest.MF of glassfish\domains\domain1\applications\XXXX have not been
>>> rewritten, because OSGiArchiveHandler.expand is executed before
>>> OSGiDeployer.prepare. should be also rewritten although not influencing
>>> wab's deploying and executing?
>>> --Best Regard!
>>> --Tang
>>> Sahoo wrote:
>>>> On Tuesday 10 July 2012 06:25 PM, Tang Yong wrote:
>>>>> Dear Hong, sahoo,
>>>>> I have modified the prototype and removed the container-related
>>>>> logic on
>>>>> DeployCommand and DeploymentContextImpl.
>>>>> Now, using the following way can deploy a wab:
>>>>> 1)asadmin deploy --type=osgi --properties
>>>>> Web-ContextPath=/test_sample1
>>>>> e:\test_sample1.war
>>>>> 2)asadmin deploy --type=osgi e:\test_sample2.war
>>>> Very cool. I browsed your code and here are some comments:
>>>> OSGiArchiveHandler cannot not know about WAB - WAB support is provided
>>>> by osgi-web-container, so the dependency needs to be broken. I think if
>>>> you take properties like the following, you can avoid the decoupling:
>>>> asadmin deploy --type osgi --properties uriScheme=wab
>>>> queryParams="comma
>>>> separated name=value pairs"
>>>> then you can just create a new URI inside OSGiArchiveHandler.expand().
>>>> You can then obtain an InputStream from the new URI and use the same.
>>>>> In addition, about
>>>>>> DeploymentContext.getAppProps through the deployment lifecycle
>>>>> I have confirmed that when using "--properties
>>>>> Web-ContextPath=/test_sample1", "DeploymentContext.getAppProps" can
>>>>> not
>>>>> get the value of "Web-ContextPath" option. However, using
>>>>> "context.getCommandParameters(DeployCommandParameters.class).properties.getProperty("Web-ContextPath")"
>>>>> can get the value of "Web-ContextPath" option. So, I think that a bug
>>>>> may be exist in DeploymentContextImpl class.
>>>> You should file a bug.
>>>> Sahoo