On 07/02/2012 16:07, Tom Mueller wrote:
> To see the differences, start the DAS both ways and run jinfo on the
> process.
I've started glassfish using the glassfish.jar file and it seems to work
ok, but there are a couple of differences from the output of jinfo that
I'd like to check (ignoring the user.dir and memory options, etc):
- asadmin adds options to start agents (flashlight in this case)
- and asadmin includes some additional jars on the classpath from the
endorsed directory as well as those required for the agents mentioned above
I'm not sure what the impact of missing these options out are - I'm
guessing the monitoring won't work properly without the flashlight agent?
Also the change in user.dir seems to be important especially if you are
using third party jars (eg database driver). Currently I have them in
the domain lib directory but just using the glassfish.jar file doesn't
seem to include this in the classpath, or at least glassfish can't find them
Finally, the only other issue I can see with using upstart is shutting
down glassfish, I was using a "pre-stop" call to "asadmin stop-domain"
to terminate glassfish nicely, but this kills the process forcing
upstart to respawn it thinking it died in error. What effect if any does
simply kill the glassfish process have - I can imagine this isn't good
in a clustered environment - or is there a way to effectively shutdown
the domain while leaving the process running?
Any suggestions?