Re: 3.1.2 Bug Swat Meetings

From: Sathyan Catari <>
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2011 22:31:41 -0800

Sorry I meant 12/28.


On 12/27/11 10:30 PM, Sathyan Catari wrote:
> There will not be a bugswat meeting tomorrow(12/27).
> Please email Joe and me with the updates on your list
> of bugs.
> Thanks
> Sathyan
> On 12/19/11 5:17 PM, Joe Di Pol wrote:
>> We will hold our first 3.1.2 Bug Swat Meeting this Wed (12/21) at 9AM
>> PT.
>> You're excited, I know. Details:
>> We will start by focusing on P1/P2 issues on the 3_1_2-review (scrubbed
>> bugs tagged for 3.1.2) and unscrubbed lists:
>> P1/P2 Review
>> P1/P2 Unscrubbed
>> If you have any issues on either of these lists you must:
>> * Attend the BugSwat meeting to provide status on the issue(s) you own.
>> -- or --
>> * Prior to the BugSwat meeting send email to Joe with status on the
>> issue(s) you own.
>> -- or --
>> * Clear the issue from the release by closing it, reducing the priority,
>> excluding it, etc. Make sure to add a comment to the bug explaining
>> why.
>> What kind of status am I looking for? I basically want to
>> know if you plan on addressing the issue in 3.1.2, and if
>> you are which build are you targeting. If not, then scrub it!
>> And please continue to scrub your P3 issues too since we will
>> start to look at those in future BugSwat meetings:
>> 3_1_2-review:
>> Unscrubbed:
>> Thanks! Joe