Re: Change in appclient behavior: sun-acc.xml is now glassfish-acc.xml

From: Rebecca Parks <>
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2011 09:50:31 -0800

Hi Tim,

According to Issue 16339, Sherry Hill's last comment dated 11/18, this
is not being implemented for 3.1.2. Please clarify.


On 11/21/11 19:27, Tim Quinn wrote:
> Hello, everyone.
> As part of the general change throughout GlassFish to change
> GlassFish-specific file names from sun-xxx to glassfish-xxx, I have
> recently made that change in the GlassFish trunk (also known in the
> JIRA system as 4.0) so that the default ACC config file has changed
> from sun-acc.xml to glassfish-acc.xml.
> When you create a new domain, GlassFish will generated glassfish-acc.xml.
> When you run the appclient command to launch an app client, if you
> omit the "-xml" option (which you can use to specify an ACC config
> file you want to use) the appclient command will by default look for
> the glassfish-acc.xml command in the domain's config directory.
> If you have your own ACC config file (named sun-acc.xml or anything
> else) you can continue to specify it using the "-xml" option on the
> appclient command. But note that if you have been using the default
> config file as created by GlassFish and you have also been specifying
> that default using
> -xml domains/domain1/config/sun-acc.xml
> then this will no longer work when you install GlassFish or create a
> new domain unless you place a sun-acc.xml file into the domain's
> config directory or change your command.
> I have updated the devtest scripts that referred to sun-acc.xml
> explicitly. If you have scripts that assume that the default ACC
> config file is sun-acc.xml please change them to work with the
> GlassFish trunk.
> Thanks.
> - Tim