Post 3.1.1 HCF Guidance on code changes

From: Sathyan Catari <>
Date: Mon, 04 Jul 2011 10:37:52 -0700

  We have just promoted our HCF build, b10 over the weekend(07/02).

With that, we are implementing the following guidelines to take in any
further required changes into 3.1.1 branch.

-At this stage, only fixes to resolve very high priority and stopper
bugs will be considered.

-All check-in requests must now be approved through bugswat meetings in
to their pre-approval using the 3.1.1 guidlines

-If you are working on any pre-approved bugs targeted for our B11 on
07/07(FCS Candidate-1)
build, please come to bugswat meetings to answer questions around
timeline/impact of the fix.

-We will also use bugswat meetings to scrub and identify potential
release stoppers from
this list
