Re: Very old ant.jar in modules dir?

From: Tom Mueller <>
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2011 13:13:06 -0500

ant.jar is used by (at least) pkg-client.jar and jersey-gf-server.jar.

pkg-client.jar uses it for processing TAR files (
jersey-gf-server.jar uses it for and I don't know the details of what it uses it for.

There may be other uses of ant.jar too.


On 7/13/2011 12:47 PM, Marina Vatkina wrote:
> Team,
> Why do we have an ant.jar in the GF modules directory? Do we need it
> to be of that old age (Apache Ant version 1.7.0 compiled on December
> 13 2006)?
> I'm asking this because of the mismatch with the NetBeans version that
> causes embedded EJB with CDI tests to fail under NetBeans.
> thanks,
> -marina