Re: proper way to package utility class jars within EJB, EAR deployable units ?

From: Hong Zhang <>
Date: Thu, 07 Jul 2011 21:18:10 -0400

Hi, Gary
> please see
> for history of this question on netbeans.
> Question --
> how are utility class jars suppose to be packaged in EJB modules, and
> EAR modules ?
The only portable way defined by the spec is through the ear lib
libraries. However, I agree it's not desirable to have to create an ear
to just include library jars for a standalone ejb module. The standalone
ejb module should have a spec defined way to include the library jars
just like standalone war. This feedback was provided to the EJB spec
lead around v3 time and the spec lead agreed this is something we should
think about in the next version of the spec. Unfortunately he left Sun
later. Though this feedback was later provided to the current EJB spec
lead, it was probably too late to incorporate. We should file a EJB spec
issue to make sure this issue gets looked at in the next version of the
> is there a standard way this should be done ? or is support for this
> need outside of the EE[456] specs ?
> the spec defines meta files such as ejb-jar.xml and application.xml --
> but there have always been
> vendor specific files such as sun-ejb-jar.xml, sun-application.xml,
> and sun-web.xml -- are these
> files the proper place for meta data outside of the JavaEE Spec for
> additional meta data
> needed to successfully deploy a deployable unit on different vendors
> EE servers?
Yes, different vendors have different vendor specific deployment
descriptors to complement the standard deployment descriptors. For
GlassFish, it's glassfish-*.xml (the sun-*.xml are still supported for
backward compatibility). These files can be packaged inside the archive
(same directory as its corresponding standard deployment descriptor) or
packaged as a deployment plan jar outside of the archive.


- Hong