Re: Some build questions

From: vince kraemer <>
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2011 08:14:16 -0700

Hi Pavel,

Thanks for the info.

I did not know that I needed to do that.

Is there a way to get the effect of such a change without changing the
pom.xml file? Can I do some magic with a dash-D to maven?


Pavel Bucek wrote:
> Hello,
> have you changed grizzly.version and hk2.version in glassfishs
> pom.xml? It should be something like:
> (I'm assuming that grizzly trunk is currently 2.1.2-SNAPSHOT and hk2
> 1.6.12-SNAPSHOT - check this in your local source code copy)
> <grizzly.version>2.1.2-SNAPSHOT</grizzly.version>
> ...
> <hk2.version>1.6.12-SNAPSHOT</hk2.version>
> <hk2.plugin.version>1.6.12-SNAPSHOT</hk2.plugin.version>
> ...
> Pavel
> On 7/29/11 4:51 PM, vince kraemer wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have checked out the trunk for grizzly, hk2, and glassfish.
>> I want to build glassfish so that it uses the results of building
>> grizzly and hk2 locally.
>> What do I need to do (and where)?
>> Currently, I am doing this:
>> cd grizzly
>> mvn install
>> cd ../hk2
>> mvn install
>> cd ../glassfish
>> mvn install
>> This builds... but I do not think that it is using any of my changes....
>> Thanks,
>> vbk