One pagers and milestone 2

From: Rajiv Mordani <>
Date: Wed, 06 Apr 2011 16:49:53 -0700

     I (and some other folks) have started putting up the list of one
pagers that need to be written / updated with reviewers assigned at [1]

All the existing ones need to be refreshed for work being done for the
3.2 release as the information is important and useful for docs and
quality folks to take into account in their planning effort. I am still
in the process of updating the list and hope to have it done by
tomorrow, but please plan on having the one pagers to be in review ready
state by milestone 2 (April 26th). For the one pagers that are being
updated from previous releases - please schedule asarch reviews if there
are significant changes in terms of architecture, exported interfaces,
CLI changes or admin console changes. If the updates are minor, but you
would still like to have it reviewed please do so via email. If there is
no need for asarch review, but the content in the area is changing,
please be sure to notify the docs and quality teams about the changes.
Once the drafts for the one pagers are available send them out the dev
alias or other appropriate aliases to gather community feedback.

Also as a process note - please avoid putting the one pagers as
attachments. If possible please use the wiki markup (the wiki does have
a rich text editor so it is a little easier) and create a wiki page for
the one pagers.



- Rajiv