Maven and OSGi packaging, naming, and versioning rules to be implemented in 3.2

From: Rajiv Mordani <>
Date: Wed, 06 Apr 2011 16:36:55 -0700

     During the 3.1 time frame Bill came up with rules for maven and
OSGi packaging, naming and versioning rules. For details see [1] We
could not implement it in the 3.1 time frame for most of the components
(JavaMail being an exception I think), however this is required for 3.2
and we would like to see this done asap, no later than milestone 3 (see
for draft schedule). Please fill out the template at [3] for the areas
that you own and link from [2] so that we can keep track of it. The
following are the components / projects that need to do this for 3.2. If
there are areas / projects that I may have missed please include them
too and link from [2]. Module leads please file issues, if necessary, to
track that this gets done.

    * JavaMail (done - please look at this as an example if needed)
    * Servlets
    * JPA
    * JSF
    * JSP
    * JAX-RS
    * Common Annotations
    * EJB
    * Interceptors
    * JAX-WS
    * EL
    * JAXB

Also we need to make the changes happen for the following external
dependencies by working with the appropriate team / projects

    * CDI (Weld)
    * DI (JSR 330)
    * Bean validation



- Rajiv