GlassFish 3.2 Schedule and Some Processes

From: Shreedhar Ganapathy <>
Date: Wed, 06 Apr 2011 08:03:09 -0700

Hello All
Over the past month, the dev team has been meeting and planning on
GlassFish's next release on the lines of the *roadmap*
that was published last year. As the next major release in development,
GlassFish 3.2 will have primary focus around support for Virtualized
environments and PaaS enablement.

*Overall Plan Page for 3.2
*The overall Plan for 3.2 will progressively be updated with more
information. The page is here:

The PRD from product management is currently internal
and we are working on capturing these on the external wiki soon.

*Draft Schedule*
Our first milestone was a Bug Fix-only milestone.
Here's the draft development schedule for the rest of the milestones
(Draft = subject to change )
*Next Milestone*:
Our first priority is to freeze both the PRD and PCD for this release.
The next immediate milestone is on *April 26th, for review ready One
Pagers* that will be the basis for our PCD.

One Pagers/Functional Specs for review will be captured on the following
page (Rajiv will send out a separate email on that shortly) :
Some guidelines on One Pagers and the feature tracking process :
1. Please ensure your One Pagers take into account all functional areas
who will rely on the information provided therein. Typically, in
addition to development component areas, this will include
Documentation, QE, and Performance.
2. Ensure that features are clearly articulated in terms of their
architecture, interactions with other components, and how it relates to
the overall architecture.
3. Specify interfaces that your component would expose to other
components, and specify interfaces your component would require from
other components. This is critical to convey dependencies to other
component teams.
4. Specify GUI, CLI, Admin Infrastructure, and any Deployment requirements
5. File JIRA issues for each feature and use priorities as follows :
Create Issue for Features :
Blocker: P1 : Must-have for 3.2 - stop ship if not complete or is not
fully functionally complete
Critical : P2 : Preferable - Will not stop ship but will augment the
product from usability, user experience or functional effectiveness
Major : P3 : Desirable - Not critical for the release and can provide
added value to the product.

The feature list above will be tracked on this page through queries on

The deadline for Review Ready One Pagers is *April 26, 2011* - Lets use
this month to leverage work from last month's investigations and bring
about One Pager specs for review in each area.

Looking forward to working with this awesome team for the release.

Thank very much

Shreedhar, Rajiv