Re: verifying findbugs errors

From: Tim Quinn <>
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2011 17:22:22 -0500


Maybe I misinterpreted the write-up at

I thought running findbugs:gui would generate and display the
results. Apparently it just displays the results from an existing
target/findbugsXml.xml file.


- Tim

On Apr 4, 2011, at 5:17 PM, Tim Quinn wrote:

> On Apr 4, 2011, at 5:08 PM, Justin Lee wrote:
>> Like many of you, I've received a glut of findbugs emails listing
>> various issues. I've started to whittle away on my list but I
>> can't seem to recreate that error report locally to verify the
>> issue. In fact, when I check the (internal) hudson job listed on
>> the wiki, it doesn't even list the issues I've been emailed about.
>> Running it locally on, say, admin/config-api, I get 0 errors before
>> even changing the code. So my question, how can I create that
>> report locally so that I can do a pre/post check to verify i'm
>> satisfying the analysis parameters. Running "mvn
>> findbugs:findbugs" in that directory or the root doesn't seem
>> sufficient.
> I have found the same.
> I have aliased mvn to include -Dfindbugs.threshold=Low so the level
> should not explain the differences I see.
> Also, today I have received several messages in which all of the
> flagged lines have someone else's ID. The message says " the
> lines of code that you last modified..." but that doesn't seem to
> be accurate.
> Can anyone shed some light?
> - Tim