Re: verifying findbugs errors

From: Justin Lee <>
Date: Mon, 04 Apr 2011 18:16:07 -0400

Victory! Yo Joe!

On 4/4/11 6:17 PM, Joe Di Pol wrote:
> Bill clued me in on this. By default findbugs is only looking
> for high priority issues. Try:
> mvn -Dfindbugs.threshold=Low findbugs:findbugs
> On 04/ 4/11 03:08 PM, Justin Lee wrote:
>> Like many of you, I've received a glut of findbugs emails listing
>> various issues. I've
>> started to whittle away on my list but I can't seem to recreate that
>> error report locally
>> to verify the issue. In fact, when I check the (internal) hudson job
>> listed on the wiki,
>> it doesn't even list the issues I've been emailed about. Running it
>> locally on, say,
>> admin/config-api, I get 0 errors before even changing the code. So my
>> question, how can I
>> create that report locally so that I can do a pre/post check to
>> verify i'm satisfying the
>> analysis parameters. Running "mvn findbugs:findbugs" in that
>> directory or the root doesn't
>> seem sufficient.