Re: REMINDER: Trunk not open for feature checkins. Please *DO NOT* add new features.

From: Justin Lee <>
Date: Tue, 08 Mar 2011 15:50:55 -0500


On 3/4/11 1:32 PM, Justin Lee wrote:
> Isn't this what branching is for? We cut a 3.1.1 branch from either
> trunk or the 3.1 release. All the dev work for the 3.1.1 release
> happens on that branch while trunk can move on with 3.2 work. I'm not
> sure why we're holding up 3.2 development work indefinitely when the
> tools we have support concurrent lines of development.
> On 3/4/11 1:11 PM, Rajiv Mordani wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Just a reminder that the trunk is *not* open for features yet. At
>> this time it is only open for bug fixes.
>> - Rajiv