Review Request: GF 3.1 OSE Administration Guide - New "Using GenericJMSRA with WebSphere MQ" Instructions

From: Jeff Schieli <>
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 10:25:50 -0800 (PST)



The new "Using GenericJMSRA with IBM WebSphere MQ" section is now available for review. It contains detailed instructions on how to configure WebSphere MQ and GenericJMSRA to enable applications in Oracle GlassFish Server to send messages to, and receive messages from, IBM WebSphere MQ.


Note: The file also contains the "Using GenericJMSRA with WebLogic JMS" section, so reviewers can confirm that their previous comments were addressed.


Please provide your feedback by adding a comment to the wiki. I know this is short notice, but please provide your review comments by Monday, February 21st at the latest. The list of mandatory reviewers is provided on the wiki.


